After large amounts of moisture this spring, farmers are struggling to get crops planted in a timely manner, and for those that have gotten crops planted, they now find fields submerged and damaged by excess precipitation and/or flooding. Farmers are faced with difficult decisions regarding what to plant or whether to replant, impacted by several factors including rain forecasts, crop insurance limits and eligibility, crop prices, crop rotations, previous herbicide and fertilizer applications, and even the newly announced disaster and second round of Market Facilitation Program payments.

The informational pieces below may help you make decisions and represents our best interpretation of current rules. Many issues surrounding Market Facilitation Payments and Disaster Program implementation still remain to be clarified.

We caution that specific rules and details regarding the crop, your unique field/unit, insurance coverage, crop costs and cropping history, may make this information less applicable, so please stay in contact with your local crop insurance agent and FSA office.

Webinar, informational sheet and worksheet

June 5 Webinar

Prevented or Delayed Planting information from

Kansas NRCS Announces Funding to Plant Cover Crops on Flooded Cropland Acreage 

Questions? Contact KFB's Advocacy Division