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Bringing Your Products Directly to Consumers


What does it take to sell your products directly to consumers? Hear from three producers who started their direct-to-consumer businesses from the ground up. They’ll share lessons learned, provide tips on getting started and highlight what they’ve done to ensure their businesses continue to grow and thrive. 


Eric Castle - Castle Farms

Myndi Krafft - Krafft Beef

Scotty Thellman - Juniper Hill Farms

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2022 Crops Outlook and the Ag Economy


Hear some of the latest market insights and analysis of crop markets as we wrap up the 2021 season and prepare for 2022.


Shelby Myers - American Farm Bureau Federation

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Live Cattle Marketing Methods: A Look at Incentives, Risk Management and Trade-offs


This workshop will briefly summarize recent research from K-State Department of Agricultural Economics. The focus will be on how live cattle marketing and price discovery arrived at its current state; benefits and drawbacks of common marketing methods; and economic incentives that will drive future change. There will also be an update from the AFBF cattle market subcommittee. 


Brian Coffey - Kansas State University

Dan Schmidt - Kansas Farm Bureau

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The Fertilizer Situation and Cropping Decisions in 2022/23


This workshop will focus on providing the latest on the fertilizer situation and how it might impact farmers this spring and beyond.


Mark Nelson - KFB

Troy Walker - MKC


Fertilizer Situation and Cropping Decisions - Slides (PDF)

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Growing Business and Fighting Food Insecurity


COVID-19 has highlighted both the challenges and opportunities rural communities face regarding business and food insecurity. This panel will highlight creative work happening across the state to tackle these issues with things like regional food hubs and projects funded through KFB’s End Hunger campaign. Bring your questions and ideas to this interactive workshop.


Laurie Bruce - Bruce’s Bullseye Farm

Mary Mertz - Riley County Farm Bureau

Rick McNary - Shop Kansas Farms

Pam Dankenbring, AshLee Lattner - Kansas Farm Bureau

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Overview of the Agricultural Economy


This session looks at the financial health of the Kansas Agricultural Economy. Kansas farms entered 2020 with improving financial metrics and 2021 will continue that trend. Strong increases in agricultural land values are expected from 2021 to 2022. Incomes in 2022 will be reduced buy given the current situation for prices and costs, 2022 will see positive net farm incomes although not near the levels of 2020 and 2021.


Dr. Allen Featherstone, Kansas State University

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Carbon Market Opportunities and Challenges


Discussion of agricultural carbon markets.


Josh Roe, Kansas Corn

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Ending Hunger


Kansas Farm Bureau’s Ending Hunger campaign is designed to accomplish exactly what the name implies. Working together, County Farm Bureau Boards of Directors and Farm Bureau Financial Services agents in their communities can develop projects specifically designed to tackle hunger issues close to home. 

Kansas Farm Bureau Foundation’s Mike Matson and AshLee Lattner will discuss how it works, and how County Farm Bureau organizations and FBFS agents can work together to serve those in need.     


Mike Matson and AshLee Lattner, KFB

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Growing is Everyone's Business


Raise your hand if you’ve struggled with membership recruitment and retention! Let me tell you, you’re not alone. During this presentation we’ll take a look at the need to promote Farm Bureau membership, discuss how we might promote membership to others, and learn a strategy to handle those who object to the membership ask. We know that the most effective way to grow our organization lies within our volunteers. Growth should be everyone’s business!


Austin Large, American Farm Bureau