Act now to oppose consolidation of water regulatory agencies
The Kansas Legislature is currently debating a proposal called HB 2686 that would consolidate the state’s water regulatory agencies under the theory it will streamline government. In truth, this plan would be costly to implement, expand government bureaucracy and consolidate enormous power under the control of a single agency and political appointee.
Kansas Farm Bureau (KFB) staff testified against the legislation during a committee hearing, but legislators need to hear directly from the people it will most affect, people like Kansas farmers and ranchers. Make sure your voice is heard in the Capitol by contacting your elected officials through KFB’s Action Alert on HB 2686 as legislators begin to work the bill. We also strongly encourage you to stay engaged in the process by signing up for future alerts here.
The proposed agency consolidation and loss of local control is of great concern. Creating a water agency monopoly administered by a political appointee that changes with each administration lacks the consistency and long-term vision water-rights holders need. We need stability in funding and enforcement of our existing water laws so Kansans can indefinitely utilize the natural resources of our state for the greatest profitability, enjoyment and sustenance of life.