In response to discussions around the state about electric transmission, including the Wolf Creek-Blackberry line (23-NETE-585-STG), the Grain Belt Express, and National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (NIETCs), we're gathering all relevant materials in one place for ease of reference. If you still have questions about transmission issues, don't hesitate to reach out to the Legal Foundation at

Kansas Energy Update from the KFB Legal Foundation:

Transmission Update Public Meeting (with discussion of the Grain Belt Express and National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (NIETCs)):

Comments on Federal Transmission Matters:

Comments in matters before the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC):

To learn about the Kansas Corporation Commission's efforts to investigate transmission line-siting issues in Kansas, view this KCC docket (24-GIME-102-GIE).

NIETCs and federal authority over electric transmission:

  • For more information about NIETCs from the Kansas Corporation Commission, check out this resource.
  • FERC has provided this Explainer on its authority to site interstate electric transmission facilities.
  • To view Grain Belt Express's supplemental NIETC comments (requesting a narrower corridor), visit their website.

For more information, visit our "Renewable Energy" Resources page.