Farmers and ranchers finish business at 101st annual meeting in Manhattan
Yesterday, more than 400 Farm Bureau members of Kansas wrapped up business for their farm organization at Kansas Farm Bureau’s 101st annual meeting.
The policies adopted will now become the organization’s road map for the 2020 legislative session.
Topics of discussion included economic conditions, trade and water.
Nemaha County farmer Jeff Grossenbacher was re-elected as vice president and Marieta Hauser, Grant County, was re-elected as a member at large to serve as KFB’s Women’s Leadership Committee chair. Others elected to the board of directors include:
- Glenn Brunkow, Pottawatomie County
- Tim Tyson, Linn County
- Dan Schmidt, Marshall County
- Jim Schmidt, McPherson County
- Jim Sipes, Stanton County
The organization also recognized Rep. Joe Newland, Wilson County; Stacey Forshee, Cloud County; and Keith Miller, Barton County, for their service on the board of directors.
Other activities included a host of agriculture-related workshops and speakers including Mitch Holthus, the voice of the Kansas City Chiefs.
Senator Jerry Moran; Representatives Roger Marshall and Ron Estes; Lynn Rogers, Kansas Lieutenant Governor; and Mike Beam, Kansas Secretary of Agriculture, addressed the organization’s membership Sunday evening during a town hall gathering at KFB’s state headquarters.
County Farm Bureaus and volunteers were recognized for their 2019 achievements.
More than $11,000 was raised through a silent auction and concert featuring Lucas Maddy and the Kansas Cartel. In its lifetime, silent auction activities have raised more than $110,000. These funds will benefit Kansas Farm Bureau's Foundation for Agriculture and Legal Foundation.
Members also donated more than $1,400 for the Ronald McDonald Houses in Wichita and Topeka.