Farmers and ranchers finish business at 98th Annual Meeting in Manhattan
Meagan Cramer
(785) 587-6821
December 6, 2016
MANHATTAN, KAN. -- Today almost 400 Farm Bureau members of Kansas wrapped up business for their farm organization after debating and adopting policy statements for 2017. These policies will now become the organization’s roadmap for the 2017 legislative session.
Topics of discussion at the 98th Annual Kansas Farm Bureau Meeting included: water, agritourism and education.
Montgomery County farmer Rich Felts was re-elected as president. Others elected to the board of directors include:
- George Pretz, Miami County
- Steve McCloud, Harvey County
- Doug Zillinger, Phillips County
- Joe Jury, Gray County
- Kevin Holle, Rawlins County
Members contributed more than $14,000 to the Kansas Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture through silent and live auctions.
Other activities included a host of agriculture-related workshops and speakers meeting including American Farm Bureau Federation President Vincent “Zippy” Duvall, Keni Thomas, former Army ranger and national spokesman for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, and Andrew Walmsley, American Farm Bureau Federation director of congressional relations. County Farm Bureaus and volunteers were recognized for their 2016 achievements.