MANHATTAN — Kansas Farm Bureau (KFB) will host its 102nd annual meeting Dec. 3-5 (Thursday-Saturday) with a mix of virtual presentations, while voting delegates will gather at 10 sites across the state to conduct business and set policy for 2021.

“Annual meeting is where we celebrate the outstanding work of Kansas farmers and ranchers over the past year and set the agenda for the new year,” Kansas Farm Bureau President Rich Felts says. “This year the mission is the same, but the format will be different to protect the health and wellbeing of our members and their communities.”

The virtual sessions on Thursday and Friday will allow all Farm Bureau members in Kansas to participate for free, including Vance Crowe’s keynote address to lead off the meeting Thursday morning. Members can view the annual meeting agenda and register for individual sessions at

Crowe, the former director of millennial engagement for Monsanto, will share his thoughts on how farmers and ranchers can thrive in a post-COVID-19 world.

Other events on opening day include workshops, a virtual tradeshow, a panel discussion on all facets of Farm Bureau, an opportunity for members to network and a fireside chat between U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts and Kansas State University’s Dr. Barry Flinchbaugh.

On Friday Andrew Walmsley will update attendees on American Farm Bureau activities in Washington, D.C., followed by an open discussion of resolutions. Additional workshops and networking sessions are planned before the day ends with a townhall featuring newly elected federal officials.

Saturday voting delegates will debate and adopt policy statements for 2021, elect the KFB president and board members from even-numbered Farm Bureau districts. Delegates will attend in-person at one of the 10 hubs corresponding to their district. Attendance on Saturday is limited to KFB staff and voting delegates.

Kansas Farm Bureau's mission is to strengthen agriculture and the lives of Kansans through advocacy, education and service. 

Media interested in covering any of the sessions can RSVP to Greg Doering at or by calling 785-587-6120.