Kansas Farm Bureau’s (KFB) Campaign School will hold its comprehensive two-day training at the Overland Park Chamber of Commerce on April 16-17. It also will offer seven mini sessions around the state beginning from March to September. The sessions are for current office holders, future candidates, campaign managers and volunteer leaders on how to mount a successful campaign.

“Putting your name on the ballot for any public office is the first step of many before raising your hand and swearing your oath of office,” KFB’s Director of Political Affairs Brenden Wirth says. “KFB’s Campaign School can help you take crucial steps to give you a winning advantage on Election Day. This program has been used across the nation with candidates winning more than 80 percent of their races.”

This nonpartisan, unbiased program offers in-depth instruction from national, state and local political experts on topics like strategy, tactics, selecting issues, budgeting, fundraising and identifying voters. KFB Campaign School was designed to give potential candidates a solid foundation as they seek elected office. It also offers incumbents an opportunity to enhance their campaign skills.

The two-day KFB Campaign School is limited to 20 participants. Farm Bureau members of Kansas can attend for $300 and nonmembers can join for $350.

Mini sessions are condensed opportunities to learn the fundamentals of campaign management skills and cost $60 for KFB members and $85 for nonmembers. Up to 20 participants can take part in each session. They will be offered on the following dates and locations:

  • March 5, Minneapolis Public Library, 519 Delia Ave., Minneapolis
  • March 27, NCCC Ottawa Campus, 900 E. Logan St., Ottawa
  • April 30, Scott County Library, 110 W. Eighth St., Scott City
  • May 13, Kansas Oil Museum, 383 E. Central Ave., El Dorado
  • July 10, Jackson County Courthouse Memorial Hall, 400 New York Ave., Holton
  • July 16, Huck Boyd Community Center, 860 Park St., Phillipsburg
  • Sept. 4, American Ag Credit, 5634 10th St., Great Bend

To learn about KFB’s Campaign School or register for any of the upcoming sessions, visit www.kfb.org/CampaignSchool.