Recently, USDA released the latest details on its actions to offer farmers reprieve from ongoing trade disputes through the second round of Market Facilitation Program payments.

Payment totals will reach $14.5 billion, and commodities ranging from alfalfa hay and corn to dairy and hogs will be covered. Signup for the program begins July 29 and runs through Dec. 6.

“We greatly appreciate President Trump’s concern for America’s farmers and ranchers in these difficult economic times, and we are grateful for this continued trade assistance to help our farmers and ranchers stay in business and continue feeding our nation,” says American Farm Bureau Federation President, Zippy Duvall. “While we are grateful for the continuing support for American agriculture from President Trump and Secretary Perdue, America’s farmers ultimately want trade more than aid. It is critically important to restore agricultural markets and mutually beneficial relationships with our trading partners around the world.”

For a list of payment rates by county, go here or view this map: