Thomas County family named Farm Family of the Year
Shanda and Caleb Mattix, Thomas County, are one of Kansas Farm Bureau’s (KFB) Farm Family of the Year honorees.
Each year, a select number of families receive the Farm Family of the Year award for their service and leadership in agriculture, Farm Bureau and their communities. This year there were 10 families.
Caleb and Shanda Mattix of Thomas County operate a commercial cattle herd in Colby while raising their two kids who represent the sixth generation on their farm. The couple recently made their home-raised beef available to customers under M Arrow Ranch Company. Shanda also operates a boutique called Barnwood & Bling. The Mattix family says their involvement with Farm Bureau helped lead them down the path of consumer sales and creative growth in their business.
In addition to their ranching endeavors, Caleb operates Caleb Mattix Portable Welding, which focuses on agriculture construction, welding and concrete, and Shanda serves as the Equine Program director and Equestrian Team head coach at Colby Community College and has served as the advisor for the Colby Community College Collegiate Farm Bureau chapter since 2009. Caleb has served in all officer capacities of the Thomas County Farm Bureau board of directors.
The Mattix family is active in the Colby First Presbyterian Church, where Shanda and Caleb lead and participate in ministry on multiple levels. The Mattix family is heavily involved in their county 4-H program, and Shanda is the current county horse project leader and county fair horse superintendent. Additionally, Shanda serves on the Kansas Horse Council board of directors and, with help from Caleb, founded an event called Prairie Barn Market.
Caleb and Shanda say Farm Bureau has made a significant impact on their lives, operation and relationships and take pride in raising their children in agriculture.