Young Farmers & Ranchers prep for their future
Edie Doane
Feb. 1, 2017
Young Farmers & Ranchers prep for their future
MANHATTAN – Farmers and ranchers from across Kansas gathered in Manhattan Jan. 27-29 for the annual Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R) leaders conference. Nearly 450 young crop and livestock producers from across the state attended a three-day Kansas Farm Bureau conference designed to maximize efficiency on their family operations.
The conference provided young ag producers between the ages of 18-35 with agricultural education, motivational speakers and opportunities to connect with industry resources and network with peers.
Newly-elected Kansas Congressman Roger Marshall addressed the ag producers at the networking luncheon Jan. 28.
State committee members from each of the 10 Kansas Farm Bureau districts planned and hosted the Live to farm…Farm to live themed conference included workshops, speakers, tours and competitions during the weekend event. The YF&R state committee played an integral part in making this year’s conference a success.
Wichita County farmer and rancher Amy France, who chairs the YF&R committee said the leadership conference was intended to, “Prepare for the uncertainty coming down the pike. We’ll be dealing with a new administration in Washington and the downturn in our farm and ranch economy continues.”
France stressed the importance of grassroots involvement and speaking on behalf of farmers and ranchers throughout Kansas.
“Because we come together and speak as one, unified voice, we resonate on the county, state and national levels,” France said. “Speaking as the voice of agriculture we represent one of the most powerful agricultural voices anywhere.”
France believes many of the young farmers and ranchers who attended left the conference better equipped with the tools and knowledge to make positive changes on their farms, with their families and in their rural communities.
Winners of the conference competitions included:
Collegiate Discussion Meet - Bailey Corwine, Allen County Community College
YF&R Discussion Meet - Orrin Holle, Rawlins County
Ag Quiz Bowl - Kansas State University
Excellence in Agriculture - Carrie Fraser, Cloud County
Young farmers and ranchers from 83 counties participated in this year’s event.
Kansas Farm Bureau represents grassroots agriculture. Established in 1919, this non-profit advocacy organization supports farm families who earn their living in a changing industry.