2022 Safety Poster Program
Since 1950, Kansas Farm Bureau has sponsored the Safety Poster Program. Our theme this year is "Roadmap for Safety – Farm, Family, Community.” Suggested topics include Tractor Safety, Families Caring for Families, General Farmer Wellness, Mental Health Awareness and Getting Home Safely (roadway safety).
Division I - Grades 1 - 2
Division II - Grades 3 - 4
Division III - Grades 5 - 6
Students in grades 1-6 are eligible to submit a poster.
County level awards are determined by your local Farm Bureau.
State level awards are as follows:
1 st – 3 rd places in each division and 4 - 5 th places (honorable mention) in each division.
1 st place = $100; 2 nd place = $75, 3 rd place = $50 and honorable mentions receive a letter and certificate of achievement.
In addition, the teacher of each of the top three winners in all divisions will receive a $50 gift card to use to promote agriculture as they see fit in their classrooms.
Your county Farm Bureau can provide poster paper or you may use your own paper as long as the following information is included the back of your poster:
Name___________________________ Guardian’s Name___________________
Mailing Address_____________________ City______________ ST__ Zip______
School Name_______________ Grade _______ Teacher’s Name _____________
Division_______ Co Farm Bureau submitting poster_______________ Year____
Note: Please print legibly or your poster will not be accepted.
Guidelines for the most effective safety poster messages include:
* Emphasize farm safety
* Focus on one main idea
* Meaning should be understood at a glance
Things to avoid in an effective safety poster message include:
* Non "Kansas Agriculture" related themes
* No central idea
* Too much going on in your poster
Ready to submit winning posters from your county? Options for capturing images of the posters include scanning both sides or taking a picture of both sides, then completing the information on this jot form by March 15, 2022.