KFB Commodity Conference will focus on animal health, crop diseases, markets and international trade
Now that this event has passed, you can find PDFs of the presentation slides from each presenter linked in the agenda below
MANHATTAN – Kansas Farm Bureau will host its annual commodity conference Feb. 10 at the state headquarters in Manhattan.
This day-long conference is designed to look at key issues and in turn help Farm Bureau members develop grassroots policy.
Specific issues on this year’s agenda include a market outlook and the impact of international trade on next year’s commodity prices.
“Prices are always on the minds of our farmers and ranchers,” says Mark Nelson, KFB commodities director. “Carrie Williams from AgMark will discuss domestic and export grain marketing drivers.”
Other discussion topics will include: precision agriculture, antibiotic use on the farm, crop diseases and insects, animal health and tips for maximizing yields.
This year’s conference will also include a legislative update. The segment will offer a look at what’s going on in Topeka and Washington, D.C. and how it could impact agriculture.
Following the commodity conference, interested cattle producers can take part in a Beef Quality Assurance training. The three-hour training will begin at 6 p.m. and includes dinner.
Farm Bureau members from across Kansas are invited and encouraged to attend. Ag advisory committee members will attend as well.
Registration is free and Farm Bureau members should sign up through their county Farm Bureau offices by Jan. 11.
“We’re hoping for a great turn out and hope our advisory committee members will invite some of their Farm Bureau friends to register for and come to the conference as well,” Nelson says.
Kansas Farm Bureau represents grassroots agriculture. Established in 1919, this non-profit advocacy organization supports farm families who earn their living in a changing industry.
KFB Commodities Conference
February 10, 2016
Kansas Farm Bureau Headquarters – Manhattan, KS
9:00 a.m. Registration
9:30 a.m. Welcome
Rich Felts, KFB President
Terry Holdren, KFB CEO
Policy Update - Ryan Flickner, KFB Senior Director of Policy
10:20 a.m.
Domestic and Export Grain Marketing Drivers
Carrie Williams, AgMark LLC
ONE FOOD: Keeping Every Segment’s Best Interest in Mind
Dr. Dan Thomson, Kansas State University
Noon Lunch
12:45 p.m.
Precision Ag – KSU Update
A. Ray Asebedo, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor, Precision Agriculture Department of Agronomy Kansas State University
Dr. Dale Blasi - KSU Animal Science
Precision Ag - Lignin Alfalfa Management - Dr. Doohong Min - Assistant Professor, Forages
1:40 p.m. Breakout Sessions Round 1
(a) Auditoriums; (b) 1st Floor East Open Conference Area
Antibiotic Use on the Farm
Dr. Dan Thomson, Kansas State University
b) Weeds, Insects and Diseases: Crop Outlook for 2016 (Presentation not yet available, please check back later)
Jami Loecker, Syngenta
2:20 p.m. Breakout Sessions Round 2
Animal Health Division Update
b) Customizing your Extension experience using myFields.info (Presentation not yet available, please check back later)
Dr. Brian P McCornack, Kansas State University
3:00 p.m. Individual Committee Meetings
5:00 p.m. Adjourn
6-9 p.m. Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Training; Manhattan Commission Co., 8424 E. HWY 24 (
Pre-registration required)