Virtual Ag Education Resources
As families stay home during the coronavirus pandemic, we're putting together a collection of agricultural education opportunities.
- Offering twice weekly ag education programs on its Facebook page
- Hosting Facebook Live events
- Offering virtual farm tours
- DIY Lesson Plans
American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture
- At-home activities
- Live videos of farmers and ranchers caring for livestock and crops
- At-home STEM resources
Midwest Dairy
- Virtual Dairy Farm Tour
- You can also watch the tour, along with many others, on this page at This tour is in the "General Tours" section of the page.
- FAQs and Vocabulary for Grades K-6 (PDF)
- FAQs and Vocabulary for Grades 7-12 (PDF)
- A Virtual Farm Tour Worksheet for Grades 3-6 (PDF)
- A coloring book for all ages
- Find more resources at
Do you have resources we're missing? Send us an email at