Weather sayings
For the week of Oct. 2, 2017
Weather sayings
By John Schlageck, Kansas Farm Bureau
For the first time last week a touch of fall filled the early morning air. With the coming of autumn and approach of winter, it’s fun to recall some of the time-tested weather sayings.
Many of the following weather signs were collected while talking to farmers and ranchers across the state. It seems there is very little people would rather talk about than the weather.
So let’s talk weather.
Clear moon, frost soon.
Dense fog at dawn is a sign of clearing skies by mid-morning.
The absence of birds around water denotes an approaching storm.
White, fluffy, small clouds are a sign of fair weather ahead.
During the winter season, strong northerly winds indicate snow and sometimes a blizzard within 24 hours. Southerly winds are a sign of dry, warmer weather.
When cattle stand in a line with their backs toward the northwest, you can figure on a heavy, driving snow.
Odors become easier to detect just before rain. High pressure usually traps odors like a lid due to air density, while lowering pressure releases odors.
When you see lightning in the north, rain is likely within 24 hours.
When distant sounds appear louder, rain is usually on the way.
Rising smoke is a fair-weather sign. When you see smoke going downward or showing very little rise, rain is likely.
Birds perch more before a storm because the low barometric pressure makes it more difficult for them to fly. When you see hawks circling high in the sky, this is a fair-weather sign.
When frogs begin to croak, look out for rain.
Hens and other barnyard foul pick at themselves – oiling their feathers – just before a rain.
Lots of dead skunks on the road mean plenty of moisture is on the way. Another good sign of approaching wet weather is the aggravation of corns, bunions or arthritis pains.
These signs are surprisingly accurate because they are based on generations of farmers, ranchers and other people who have observed cyclical changes in the weather.
Today, meteorologists watch weather patterns via satellites. Much of what these satellites detect while orbiting the earth hundreds of miles overhead, we can see by listening to the radio, watching television or checking our smart phones.
There is plenty to be said for the folk wisdom of our ancestors. They watched and charted weather patterns for generations rather than just a few hours or days. It’s fun to hear their conclusions handed down from one generation to the next, and anyway, what would we have to talk about if not for the weather?
John Schlageck is a leading commentator on agriculture and rural Kansas. Born and raised on a diversified farm in northwestern Kansas, his writing reflects a lifetime of experience, knowledge and passion.
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