Pinpointing Policy: Controlled Burns
Prescribed fires have long been used in Kansas to improve and maintain the natural and agricultural resources within the state(1). As burning season continues in the state, Kansas Farm Bureau policy supports this form of rangeland management and encourages those involved to practice it responsibly.
“We recognize the practice of controlled prescribed burning as an important and necessary ecological and agricultural practice.
We support local agency involvement regarding the notification and approval of prescribed burns; and support collaboration and communication between regulatory entities, local emergency managers/law enforcement and land managers.
While we support reasonable restrictions on the ability to burn… the opportunity to use a controlled prescribed burn as an agricultural practice must be retained and encouraged.
We support the Kansas Smoke Management Plan, the website and use by land managers of its smoke modeling tools.” (AG-13, pg. 14)
Among the other resources available at, KFB encourages its members to utilize the smoke modeling tool as they plan their burns. The model predicts the potential smoke impacts on air quality in nearby major cities. KDHE publishes a weekly prescribed fire report during the traditional Flint Hills burn season. Recent weekly summaries can be found here: Flint Hills Prescribed Fire Update (3/29/19), Flint Hills Prescribed Fire Update (4/5/19), Flint Hills Prescribed Fire Update (4/19/19).
Further KFB policy on Controlled Prescribed Burning can be found in the 2019 Policy Book.
If you have a question, comment or modification on KFB policy, members can provide suggestions for policy changes, additions or deletions by filling out this online form.