Growing a Nation
Design your own Growing a Nation Agriculture Education program today! Here’s what you’ll need:
- Growing A Nation CD
Growing a Nation has been designed as a flexible resource for secondary United States history courses. The "Story of American Agriculture" has been broken into four lessons:
- Lesson 1: 1600—1929, Seeds of Change
- Lesson 2: 1930—1949, From Defeat to Victory
- Lesson 3: 1950—1969, Prosperity & Challenges
- Lesson 4: 1970—Present, Into a New Millennium.
This interactive program is a useful resource for U.S. history teachers and their students. The CD is not designed to be used as a student tutorial or to be viewed as a full-featured movie. It is recommended that screens from particular historical time periods be used throughout the year. Growing a Nation works seamlessly with textbooks as screens have been designed to "stand alone" and mesh with historical content. The program should be used throughout the course as time periods and events are discussed. The multimedia program is intended as a teaching tool to aid teacher-led discussions or to facilitate learning in small cooperative learning groups.
National curriculum standards for Growing a Nation are listed within the lessons.
Contact Kansas Farm Bureau, Safety and Ag Ed Division at 785-587-6150 to request this resource, at no charge, for two weeks