Ready Rooster - A John Deere Publication

Farms can be fun and exciting playgrounds in which to learn and explore, but there are also many dangers involved. The Ready Rooster safety program created by John Deere emphasizes general farm safety, from avoiding dangerous machinery and large animals to electric wire and riding in the backs of pickup trucks. This is a great program for farm and city kids alike!

Create your own John Deere Ready Rooster safety program today! Here’s what you’ll need:

Related Materials:

  • John Deere's Ready Rooster Ready for Safety video (mp4 Video File)
    • To save the video to your computer, right-click on the link above and click "Save Link as..." or "Save target as..."
  • Email to check out this video, at no charge, for two weeks

Related Handouts:

Kansas teaching standards for Ready Rooster

Standards for Grades K-4

  • Health Education
  • Content Standard: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
    • Standard 1: The student will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention as related to:
      • c) Injury prevention and safety
    • Instructional Example: The teacher will describe safe behaviors and accident prevention at home, school and in the community; have students create safety posters on topics such as bicycle helmet use, using smoke detectors in the home, or stranger danger.
    • Benchmark 1: The student will demonstrate comprehension of basic concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention by identifying and describing relationships between well-being and the health-related behaviors in the content area.

Questions? Contact the Safety Division at 785/587-6150.