Sun Safety
The farming profession requires that many hours be spent outside under the hot sun, leaving farmers at risk for sun-exposure related diseases and conditions. This video educates viewers about skin cancer prevention and gives helpful sun-safety tips.
Build your own Sun Safety display today! Here’s what you’ll need:
Related Materials:
Related Handouts:
- ABCDs of Skin Cancer Bookmarks
- Skin Cancer Prevention Brochure
- Sun Safety = Healthy Skin
Making Bacon Cartoon
Related products:
- Hats with SPF protection, Long-sleeved light-weight work shirt, Sun Glasses, Sun Screen, Soy Lip Balm
Use your imagination!
Kansas teaching standards for Sun Safety
Standards for Grades K-4
- Health Education
Content Standard: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Standard 1: The student will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention as related to:
- c) Personal Health
- Instructional Example: The teacher will lead students in discussion about how they can demonstrate age-appropriate self-care responsibility; personal hygiene, how to know when to ask for help, basic first aid skills, home alone safety, and how their choices can affect how they feel.
Standard 1: The student will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention as related to:
Questions? Contact the Safety Division at 785/587-6150.