The Kansas Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture was formed in 1998 and since its inception, the foundation has awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide scholarships and grants which fund programs and projects designed to help improve agriculture and the quality of life in rural Kansas. The four areas of emphasis and action are: 

  • Develop leaders who understand the importance of agriculture in making sure Kansas’ rural communities remain strong and vital
  • Educate Kansans (especially those who live in our cities and suburbs) about how agriculture plays such an important role in their daily lives
  • Provide scholarships for students who desire to pursue their life's work in agriculture
  • Reduce food insecurities in Kansas communities through the End Hunger program

A sincere thanks to everyone who generously supports the Kansas Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture and the positive impact they enable the foundation to have on people working in agriculture and living in rural Kansas. The variety of financial supporters enables the foundation to provide scholarships and grants to further the mission of supporting and enhancing agriculture and the farm and ranch families of Kansas. 

Foundation News


For questions about the foundation and its efforts, you can contact Shannon Martin at martins@kfb.org or write or call:

2627 KFB Plaza
Manhattan, KS 66503