Referral Policy

The Kansas Farm Bureau Legal Foundation will work directly with members, without the necessity of referral, to provide guidance on legal issues in a manner that does not create an attorney-client relationship or the expectation of such a relationship, and that does not utilize substantial resources of the Legal Foundation. This type of guidance may include services like providing printed materials relevant to a member’s inquiry, or helping members decide if they should seek counsel from a private attorney on their legal matter.

On legal matters of great importance to Kansas farmers and ranchers that will have a regional or state-wide affect and could set significant legal precedence, members can seek greater assistance in the form of financial payments, a letter of support, or an amicus brief from the Legal Foundation through the referral process. To make a request for assistance through the Legal Foundation, a member must first seek approval of their request through one of the following: 1) the county farm bureau directors in the county of their membership, 2) a director on the KFB state board, or 3) a KFB staff member. While approval from the county farm bureau is highly recommended, it is not required. After obtaining such approval, members shall submit a written request for assistance on a form prescribed by the Director of the Legal Foundation. Requests for assistance made by other state Farm Bureau organizations should be brought directly to a KFB staff or board member, for further consideration in accordance with the procedures below.

Once an issue has been referred to the Legal Foundation as set forth above, it will be considered first by the Legal Foundation’s advisory team, who will then make a recommendation to the Kansas Farm Bureau Legal Foundation Board. The Legal Foundation advisory team is comprised of the President of the Kansas Farm Bureau Legal Foundation, the General Counsel of Kansas Farm Bureau, the CEO of Kansas Farm Bureau, the Director of the Advocacy Division within Kansas Farm Bureau, the Director of the Kansas Farm Bureau Legal Foundation, and other members appointed by the CEO after consultation with existing advisory team members.

The advisory team will meet no less than quarterly, but as often as needed for timely consideration of requests for assistance. The advisory team shall consider all requests for assistance properly made by KFB members and farm bureau organizations from other states, and then make a recommendation to the KFB Legal Foundation Board of Directors, who will vote and make the ultimate decision regarding the Legal Foundation’s involvement or engagement in a legal matter. Any engagement by the Legal Foundation shall be limited so as not to create an attorney-client relationship with any member or other party.

Questions regarding this policy shall be directed to the Director of the Kansas Farm Bureau Legal Foundation.

Adopted by the Kansas Farm Bureau Legal Foundation Board of Directors on May 1, 2017.

Click here for a downloadable PDF of the policy above

Click here to download the form to request assistance (Word Document)