
Carbon and other Ecosystems Markets

Helpful publications on Carbon and other Ecosystems Markets

Other helpful websites on Carbon and other Ecosystems Markets

Livestock Operations

Click here to learn more about environmental issues associated with livestock production, under the Livestock and Other Animals section.


Helpful publications and other resources on pesticides

Applicable Laws

Other helpful websites about pesticides

Threatened, Endangered, and Other Protected Species

Helpful publications on threatened, endangered, and other protected species

Applicable laws

Other helpful websites for information about threatened, endangered, and other protected species

Specific species

Species specific information


Water Law

Helpful information on water and water rights

  • Clean Water Rule
    • For information on current EPA efforts to replace the 2015 WOTUS rule with a rule that will provide clean water AND clear rules , as ordered by President Trump in an Executive Order dated February 28, 2017, you can visit the EPA’s website.
    • The Duarte Nursery WOTUS case in California has been settled. For more information about that case, visit the website of the Pacific Legal Foundation, who represented the Duarte Nursery in litigation.
  • State Water Issues

Applicable Laws

Helpful publications on water law

Other helpful websites for information about Kansas water issues