
Agricultural Employment

Applicable laws

Helpful publications on agricultural employment

Helpful websites on agricultural employment

  • Agricultural Employment on the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division website.
  • Labor Law, on the AgManager website for Kansas State University Agricultural Economics.

Fair Labor Standards Act

Helpful publications on general labor issues


Applicable Laws

  • 20 C.F.R. § 655 – Temporary Employment of Foreign Workers in the United States.

Helpful publications on immigration

Other helpful websites on immigration

  • H2A Employer Data Hub, is a website from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services that includes searchable data on employers who submitted petitions to employ H-2A nonimmigrant workers from 2015 to present.
  • H-2A: Temporary Agricultural Employment of Foreign Workers, is a website developed by the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division, and has several helpful resources.
  • H-2A: USDA has created a new online checklist on its website to help farmers with the H-2A Visa (temporary agricultural workers program) process. That resource can be accessed here.

Youth Labor

Helpful publications on youth labor

Helpful websites on youth labor