Other Helpful Websites

  • Ag Law in the Field, a podcast with Tiffany Lashmet, with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.
  • AgManager.info , is a website developed by the Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics, Farm Management Association, and K-State Research and Extension. This website provides information from Kansas State University about the agricultural economy.
  • Agricultural Law and Taxation Blog, with articles from Roger A. McEowen, on the Law Professors Blog (LPB) Network.
  • Attorney Referral Service , available through the Kansas Bar Association.
  • Farmland Access Legal Toolkit , was developed by the Center for Agriculture & Food Systems at Vermont Law School. This toolkit explains legal arrangements that provide farmers more affordable and equitable farmland access and help landowners balance earning income for retirement with making their land affordable to the next generation of farmers, and makes useful information available to farmer and landowner advocates.
  • Kansas Agricultural Mediation Services (KAMS) , is part of the K-State Research and Extension, and provides Kansas producers with legal, financial and mediation services, and may be able to assist you with your agricultural legal questions.  
  • Kansas Judicial Council , provides legal forms and other resources for common litigation matters. The Judicial Council was created to improve the administration of justice in Kansas.
  • Kansas Legal Services , provides legal assistance for Kansans earning a low to moderate income, and offers access to some free legal forms.
  • Kansas Revised Statutes , available from the Kansas Office of Revisor of Statutes.  
  • The National Agricultural Law Center , a Division of Agriculture Research & Extension at the University of Arkansas System, is an agricultural law research and information facility that is independent and national in scope.  
  • Texas Agriculture Law Blog , by Tiffany Dowell Lashmet with Texas A&M Agrilife Extension.
  • United States Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency (USDA FSA), Facts Sheets on various programs available to farmers and ranchers, including, among other things, commodity income safety nets, conservation, and disaster protection and recovery.